Absolute Strength Histogram

The Absolute Strength Histogram indicator for MT4 is a financial market trend analyzer that gauges the strength of an instrument to determine the market direction. It also identifies buying and selling opportunities in the market, enabling traders to find trading opportunities.

The indicator works based on the principle of the absolute strength of the price, where past price data is used to measure the magnitude of price changes over a specified period. Therefore, it’s a powerful tool for identifying market trends and short-term trading opportunities.

The indicator paints histogram bars based on the direction and strength of the market trends. The green bar indicates increasing absolute strength, suggesting a potential bullish trend, while the red bar depicts decreasing absolute strength, which suggests a potential bearish trend.

Furthermore, the indicator has green and red lines, which signal buy and sell entries. So, Forex traders may look for buying opportunities when the indicator paints a green histogram bar with the green line staying above the red line. Conversely, a selling opportunity is when the indicator paints a red bar, and the red line is above the green line.

In addition, the indicator parameters are customizable, allowing traders to adjust the inbuilt parameters to suit their preferences and trading styles.

The indicator comes with the following customizable settings:

Mode: Determines the calculation mode of the moving average indicator.

Length: Determines the number of bars used in the calculation.

Smooth: Determines the level of smoothing applied to the indicator.

Signal: Determines the method used to generate buy/sell signals.

Price: Determines the type of price (e.g., closing price, etc.) used by the indicator for analysis.

ModeMA: This shows the mode of the moving average for analysis.

Mode_Histo: Determines the histogram’s mode of display.

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